Celebrating 2022: Hope Partners International’s Year of Impact and Gratitude

To our community
It seems the whole world is watching and waiting as the crisis in Ukraine rages on. The stakes are high, and this conflict may define the course of history for all of us.
On February 26, two days after Russia attacked Ukraine, my wife asked me: “Can’t we do something to help?” The evil unleashed against Ukraine had provoked the most massive flood of refugees since the Second World War. Countless Ukrainians were fleeing their homeland. Thousands upon thousands—most of them mothers and children—were crossing the Danube River from Ukraine into Romania. Within days we were in full disaster response mode for the first time in our decade-old history! Why? Because our Hope Center in Constanta, Romania is just across the border from Ukraine. God had placed us near the very epicenter of this humanitarian crisis and we had to act.
In Jesus’ name we began to provide temporary housing, a safe environment, nutritional food, and medical care. Our intervention evolved into building a transition plan for work, education and hope for a future for these families. We are small in comparison to the big and famous organizations, yet God unlocked the hearts of donors who gave not only generously but sacrificially. The work to train our team in Romania in this size of response and to equip pastors and volunteers came from my years of work at my former assignment. Nine months into that war we have ministered to over 18,000 refugees!
At the same time, our Hope Center in Costa Rica had so earned the respect of the Mayor and City Council of San José that a parcel of land was given by the city as the site for a second Hope Center. It is a larger and more strategic location that will more than double our work in the
sprawling Pavas Slum. Country Director and Hope Center Director Ashley Gonzalez directed the effort to design and plan a facility that will cost almost $1 million. Again, donors responded generously and sacrificially. In this report is a photo of the groundbreaking, and right there in the middle is Ashley Gonzalez and the Mayor of San José, Costa Rica. An earned and proven relationship of trust!
In just over a decade our mission, our focus, and our work is with the poorest, most disadvantaged women and children in our world. We now have 8 Hope Centers, in 6 countries, on 5 continents. We are caring for approximately 2,000 children daily, full-time, every hour of every day. Transformed lives are being built on a foundation of personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Costa Rica, Venezuela, Kenya, India, Sri Lanka and Romania. And our boots on the ground are now in Ukraine as well.
I can’t thank you enough on behalf of our entire team for your trust in us that allows your stewardship, your gifts to be multiplied to what the New Testament book of Matthew 25 calls “the least of these.”
God has proven once again, He is El Shaddai…the God who is enough! Needing you now more than ever!
Always with Hope,

Kirk Nowery

Hope Partners is an International ministry with a simple mission:
To rescue children and transform their lives through acts of compassion in Jesus’ name.
How do we do it?
We create “centers of hope” in some of the most impoverished parts of the world to care for the most vulnerable among us.
Each of our Hope Centers is a home base for vulnerable children, providing them a safe place of refuge from abuse, drugs, and sex trafficking. In addition to safety, we provide consistent nutritious food, education through college or vocational school, and a path to hope for their future. At the center of it all is the chance to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
More than a billion people worldwide live in slums or informal settlements,* but HOPE is spreading around the world.
* reuters.com/article/asia-climate-change-floods-city-idAFL8N30X4TJ
We currently have:
8 Hope Centers
in 6 Countries
5 Continents
Hope Partners is
Rescue and Transformation
Rescue and Transformation

Rescue is the first step
This is what we accomplished with your support
In 2022, through a variety of programs across the globe, we interceded in times of crisis and extreme need. Our local Hope Centers helped break the cycle of poverty, feed the hungry, and deliver a Christ-centered education.
Children received
an education
Children served
on a daily basis
were provided

Hope Partners Costa Rica, Soccer Academy

Hope Partners Kenya, Hope Academy

Hope Partners Venezuela, Feeding Program

Hope Partners Romania, Summer Camp

Hope Partners Sri Lanka, Food Distribution

Hope Partners India, Diwali Festival
Transformation follows
With a strong emphasis on education and discipleship, transformation comes as we walk long-term with each child and equip them to be all that God created them to be.
Because of your help, children and families will have a brighter future
Today, more than 1,000 generous people like you give regularly as we stretch and grow. We are so grateful for you and others who have joined hands and hearts with us in this great mission.
Students in college or trade school
First time decisions to follow Christ
Families served
Because you gave, we are launching a
second Hope Center in Costa Rica.
After serving in the area for more than 8 years, Hope Partners is pleased to announce the launch of our second Hope Center in Rincón Grande de Pavas in San Jose, Costa Rica. About 60,000 people live in the community and statistically only 20% of these people will graduate from high school.
The children here have great obstacles against them: hunger, malnutrition, gang violence, drug addiction, teen pregnancy and poor housing. These are all reasons why this project is vitally important. Our new facility will benefit more than 600 children and adolescents, surpassing the amount of children we serve in our first location.
Our new Hope Center will help hundreds of boys and girls realize their dreams.
At a cost of close to $1 million, the new Hope Center will be fully equipped to continue bringing hope to the Pavas community and help hundreds of boys and girls realize their dreams and achieve their goals.
“This is a wonderful example of how the local government, public and private sectors, can come together with Hope Partners to make our communities better and create opportunities for children.”
– Doña Paula Vargas, Vice Mayor of San Jose, Costa Rica
God placed Hope Partners near the epicenter
of a humanitarian crisis and we had to act.
The Ukraine Refugees
As the war broke out in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, we believed God was calling us to expand our mission and care for the refugees fleeing their country. Our team in Romania geared up to care for as many refugees as we could, little did we know all that God had in mind.
This included providing a safe place to stay, meals to eat, medical care when needed, and the love, compassion and Hope of Jesus Christ. In addition, Hope Partners was able to send more than 70 vans filled with much needed supplies into Ukraine to help care for those who remained. These vans were filled, based on requests from the field, with medical supplies, food, clothing, sleeping bags, backpacks with toys, snacks and school supplies for the children, and much more.
Vans filled with supplies
taken into Ukraine
Ukrainian refugees
cared for
Meals provided

Supplies were driven deep into Ukraine

Vans deliver medical supplies, food, clothing and more

Our brave teams risking their lives

Supplies distributed through our network of churches

Hope Partners offers a safe place to stay

Refugee children with us for 12 months
Financial Summary
Hope Partners International is an organization that has always depended on the provision of God through His people. This has dictated when and how we take steps forward in launching new Hope Centers and expanding the work of rescue and transformation.
From the beginning, our focus has been all about bringing the gospel of Jesus to suffering and marginalized children with a commitment to never waver from the conviction that Jesus alone is the HOPE of the world.
Because we depend on the financial support of others, we have committed to transparency, integrity and Biblical stewardship. One of the ways we do this is through submitting to the oversight and examination of the ECFA also known as The Evangelical Council For Financial Accountability. Another way is through opening our books up to independent, non-profit evaluators like Charity Navigators and Guide Star where we have maintained a top rating.
We are humbled by the trust each donor places in Hope Partners as they invest their hard earned resources into the mission of “Rescuing Children and Transforming Their Lives Through Acts of Compassion in Jesus’ Name.”

How to give to Hope Partners International
There are three ways to support our ongoing ministries.