Vali’s Inspiring Journey and the Transformative Impact of the New Hope Center in Romania
In the southeastern region of Romania lies the town of Babadag, where poverty and limited opportunities are an everyday reality.
Our newest Hope Center in Babadag is currently under construction and will be our tenth facility, and our second building built from the ground up.

Hope Center Babadag Director, Vali Pavlov
At the heart of this mission is Hope Center Director Vali Pavlov, whose personal journey and unwavering commitment have been instrumental in the center’s formation. Vali’s path to helping others began with a life-changing car accident. Following this traumatic event, he and his wife Alina reevaluated their priorities and decided to dedicate their lives to helping people. They found their calling in Babadag, where the need was great, and they committed themselves to making a difference in this community.
The couple’s dream is to bring the gospel to the people of Babadag while also showing them love and care in practical ways. A large Roma Muslim community resides in the area, and Vali aims to demonstrate who God is through both words and actions. Many of the children they help live without a mother or have been through multiple family upheavals, making their lives even more challenging.
“I chose this work because I’m always dreaming to help people… So we decided together to dedicate our life just helping people. And we find this place where it’s a big need. So we dedicate our life to do that here.”
– Vali Pavlov, Hope Center Director, Babadag, Romania
The biggest problems facing the community are unemployment, lack of healthcare, and food insecurity. With no jobs, many people are forced to leave the country to beg or steal to provide for their families. This leaves children behind, often in the care of older siblings who must assume the roles of both parents.
Watch the video • Meeting Vali: Our First Encounter with the Inspiring Leader Transforming Lives in Babadag
Despite these hardships, the new Hope Center Babadag, under Vali’s leadership, had already begun to transform lives. Prior to Hope Partners meeting Vali and his wife, the two had already started transforming the lives in this poor community with extremely limited resources. Now with Hope Partners standing by their side, the children who once faced a bleak future will now have access to education, nutritious meals, and a safe space to learn and grow. Their previous success stories and testimonials stand as a testament to the power of HOPE and the future positive impact of the Hope Center Babadag.
Since we met Vali, Hope Partners has been an unwavering partner in this journey, providing financial support, food, supplies and mobilizing volunteers to contribute to the center’s growth and development. As a result of this collaboration, the Hope Center Babadag will be our 10th center and the second one that is being started from the ground up. This new facility will feature unique spaces and resources designed to further enhance the lives of the children it serves.
“It’s important for us to not just speak about God that got this love and love the people but show them that we care about them and want to help them.”
– Vali Pavlov, Hope Center Director, Babadag, Romania
Watch the video • Hope Center Babadag Construction Update
Now, more than ever, your support is crucial in ensuring the continued success of the Hope Center Babadag. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word about this life-changing project, you can play a vital role in building hope for the children of Babadag. Together, we can create a lasting impact and change lives—one child at a time.
To get involved and support the Hope Center Babadag, partner with us in this mission of hope and transformation.