The Hope Center in Barquisimeto, Venezuela is the newest place where God has opened the door for Hope Partners
In the middle of all the uncertainty, we know God has not forgotten the people of Venezuela.
The team at Hope Partners is passionate about the call God has given us to Rescue Children and Transform Their Lives.
Shortages of basic goods and services combined with one of the highest crime rates in the world has caused Venezuela to become one of the world’s most dangerous countries.
Luis Rea is the director of this new Hope Center. He was born in Venezuela and has remained there despite all the danger, turmoil and the many opportunities he has had to leave. Luis’ decision to stay comes from a love for Jesus and a heart for his people.
Venezuela, the country which boasts the world’s largest proven oil reserves, is running out of gas. Such a statement is almost unbelievable for those who know this nation’s history and yet it is only the latest of a seemingly unending series of crises.
For the last couple of years, there have been shortages of food, electricity and medicines. Hyperinflation, corruption and violent crime has created the largest human migration in the western hemisphere. And while over 4 million people have left the country, many more are left behind to survive the political, social and economic chaos.
All of this was well before the impact of COVID 19 which has only increased the level of suffering and distress.

The road ahead for Venezuela is a difficult one and we do not have all the answers. We do however know that Jesus loves them and desires to see lives rescued and given hope. And for this reason, we remain more committed than ever to carry the message of hope in the name of Jesus to the people of Venezuela.
At Hope Center Venezuela we care for both children and their parents. The number of families served is currently over 700.
We would like to ask you to consider partnering with us in Venezuela by either making a one time gift to the sustainable farming initiative or a recurring gift to Hope Center Venezuela to assist in rescuing and transforming more lives. Please give what God puts on your heart as we seek to bring hope to the hurting in the ravaged country of Venezuela.
- That the hurting in Venezuela would find ultimate healing in Jesus and place their faith in Him
- For a stable government that would work for the people
- Strength and wisdom for Luis and the team as they lead and serve at the Hope Center
- For blessing and protection of those being cared for and trained at the Hope Center