Calvin’s Story
This year it seems everyone is counting their losses. This is true all around the world.
James, our director at the Kenya Hope Center shares Calvin’s story of Hope as he has been separated from his mother due to the effects of COVID-19.
Calvin is a great young man who has grown up in very difficult circumstances. His father left when Calvin and his brother were very young so the two of them have been raised by their single mother. Despite the daily challenges just to survive, Calvin has learned that trusting God and working hard at school can bring hope and new opportunities.
Once the pandemic reached the slum area around the Hope Center everything began to slow down. Calvin’s mother had to make a tough decision to send Calvin to stay with her aunt so she could move into a smaller place as they could no longer afford the little slum home they had been in. Although this move was very difficult for Calvin, he determined to continue on with his studies by reading his school books and following up on assignments shared by each of his teachers. In addition to class studies, Calvin has continued to go through the daily discipleship materials and has shared with me how God continues to encourage and give him direction during these challenging days.
The Kenya Hope Center team is so encouraged by the zeal and passion that Calvin has shown along with his mother, who fervently seeks to trust God in all season and not give up. May we too be encouraged by their faith and commit to pray for them and the others so affected by this pandemic.