
Romania Summer Camp 2023

Journey to the Mountains: A Life-Changing Adventure for At Risk Children Recently, our Hope Partners teams in Romania embarked on a remarkable adventure, leaving behind the shores of the Black Sea and venturing into the picturesque Mare River Valley in the Retezat mountains. The purpose was to accompany a group of

Hope Costa Rica Summer 2023 Update

Whoop whoop! Our interns created an AMAZING video of our missions teams and volunteers during their time at our Hope Center in Costa Rica. The visuals are fun to watch and relive the special times spent in Pavas with our children. We can't wait for you to watch it!

Rescuing Children, Transforming Lives

GIVE TO HELP RESCUE MORE CHILDREN In a small village at the end of a long, dirt road in India, there lived a girl named Ashwani. Her life was nothing short of a nightmare. The village she called home was known for something horrifying - sex trafficking. The despair and darkness in that

Building Hope in Babadag

Vali's Inspiring Journey and the Transformative Impact of the New Hope Center in Romania In the southeastern region of Romania lies the town of Babadag, where poverty and limited opportunities are an everyday reality. Our newest Hope Center in Babadag is currently under construction and will be our tenth facility, and

Searching for Agua in Venezuela

Hope Amidst Crisis: Addressing Water Scarcity at Venezuela's Hope Center The situation in Venezuela remains dire, with malnutrition, hyperinflation, and limited access to stable jobs affecting the population. In the midst of these challenges, the Hope Center in Barquisimeto, Venezuela is committed to rescuing children from malnutrition and social risk while providing educational

Weekend of Miracles at Northwoods

Partnering with Northwoods Community Church In a world plagued by extreme poverty and sex trafficking, Hope Partners International, under the leadership of Kirk Nowery, President of our organization, he stands as a beacon of HOPE. With 10 Hope Centers spanning six countries on five continents, our mission is to rescue children from

Eisenhower Elementary Ukraine Kids

Watch the video of their amazing story below. In a world often overshadowed by negativity and despair, a group of young students from Eisenhower Elementary in Garden Grove, California, proved that age is just a number when it comes to making a difference. What started as a simple school project

Kirk Nowery on The Word, WPEO

Kirk Nowery, the Chief Strategic Officer for Hope Partners International, was recently a guest on The Good Word radio show. Host Paul Scott invited Nowery to share his insights on money and contentment, focusing on the issue of greed. Nowery emphasized that greed is a subtle and dangerous enemy that can infiltrate our lives

The Inspiring Story of Calvin

From the Slums of Kawangware to a Bright Future: The Inspiring Story of Calvin In the face of immense challenges such as extreme poverty, lack of access to education, and exposure to crime, violence, and exploitation in the slums of Kawangware, Kenya, Hope Partners International comes to the rescue, providing children with transformative

The Power of Unity: A Story of Hope

How One City in Ukraine is Restoring Hope for Thousands of Refugees By Stephanie Naimo Visit Stephanie's Blog by visiting this link: letnothingbewasted.com The world becomes a smaller place when statistics become faces. And names. And stories. According to the UN Refugee Agency, the war in Ukraine has resulted